Monday, October 15, 2007

the last supper

the last supper
did the same; Mr. Rochester moved slightly, as if an earthquake had
rolled under his feet: taking a firmer footing, and not turning his
head or eyes, he said, 'Proceed.'
Profound silence fell when he had uttered that word, with deep
but low intonation. Presently Mr. Wood said-
'I cannot proceed without some investigation into what has been
asserted, and evidence of its truth or falsehood.'
'The ceremony is quite broken off,' subjoined the voice behind
us. 'I am in a condition to prove my allegation: an insuperable
impediment to this marriage exists.'
the last supper
Mr. Rochester heard, but heeded not: he stood stubborn and rigid,
making no movement but to possess himself of my hand. What a hot and
strong grasp he had! and how like quarried marble was his pale,
firm, massive front at this moment! How his eye shone, still watchful,
and yet wild beneath!
Mr. Wood seemed at a loss. 'What is the nature of the
impediment?' he asked. 'Perhaps it may be got over- explained away?'
'Hardly,' was the answer. 'I have called it insuperable, and I
speak advisedly.'
the last supper


Anonymous said...

the last supper"

Anonymous said...

the last supper"

Anonymous said...

"the last supper"

Anonymous said...

"the last supper"

Anonymous said...

"the last supper"