Monday, October 15, 2007

picture of the last supper

picture of the last supper date of fifteen years back), Edward Fairfax Rochester, of Thornfield
England, was married to my sister, Bertha Antoinetta Mason, daughter
of Jonas Mason, merchant, and of Antoinetta his wife, a Creole, at-
church, Spanish Town, Jamaica. The record of the marriage will be
found in the register of that church- a copy of it is now in my
possession. Signed, Richard Mason."'
'That- if a genuine document- may prove I have been married, but it
does not prove that the woman mentioned therein as my wife is still
picture of the last supper
'She was living three months ago,' returned the lawyer.
'How do you know?'
'I have a witness to the fact, whose testimony even you, sir,
will scarcely controvert.'
'Produce him- or go to hell.'
'I will produce him first- he is on the spot. Mr. Mason, have the
goodness to step forward.'
Mr. Rochester, on hearing the name, set his teeth; he
experienced, too, a sort of strong convulsive quiver; near to him as I
was, I felt the spasmodic movement of fury or despair run through
his frame. The second stranger, who had hitherto lingered in the
picture of the last supper


Anonymous said...

leonardo da vinci last supper painting"

Anonymous said...

leonardo da vinci last supper painting"

Anonymous said...

leonardo da vinci last supper painting"

Anonymous said...

"picture of the last supper"

Anonymous said...

"picture of the last supper"

Anonymous said...

"picture of the last supper"