Monday, November 12, 2007

african abstract painting

african abstract painting
figurative abstract painting
abstract painting picture
nature abstract painting
Chewie barked loudly. "Hey, what did I tell you?" Han grinned. "No sweat." Leia smiled affectionately. "Is that what you told us?" Solo pushed the throttle forward, and the stolen shuttle moved smoothly towardthe green Sanctuary Moon. Vader, Piett, and Jhoff watched the view-screen in the control room, as theweblike deflector grid readout parted to admit the Shuttle Tydirium, which movedslowly toward the center of the web—to Endor. Vader turned to the deck officer and spoke with more urgency in his voice thanwas usually heard. "Ready my shuttle. I must go to the Emperor." Without waiting for response, the Dark Lord strode off, clearly in the thrall of adark thought.Luke stared at the huge Super Star Destroyer that loomed everywhere in front ofthem. It fixed his eye with its glittering darkness, filled his vision like a malignantcataract—but it made more than his vision opaque. It filled his mind with blackness,too; and his heart. Black fear, and a special knowing. "Vader is on that ship," hewhispered.


Anonymous said...

african abstract painting"

Anonymous said...

african abstract painting"