Sunday, November 18, 2007

art graceful oil painting

art graceful oil painting
flower art painting
original art painting
fine art painting gallery
The fog had come down over London suddenly thatevening. Chief-Inspector Davy pulled up his coat and turned into Pond Street. Walkingslowly like a man who was thinking of something else, he did not look particularlypurposeful but anyone who knew him well would realise that his mind was wholly alert. Hewas prowling as a cat prowls before the moment comes for it to pounce on its prey.
  Pond Street was quiet tonight. There were few carsabout. The fog had been patchy to begin with, had almost cleared, then had deepened again.The noise of the traffic from Park Lane was mutedto the level of a suburban side road.Most of the buses had given up. Only from time to time individual cars went on their waywith determined optimism. Chief-Inspector Davy turned up a cul-de-sac, went to the end ofit and came back again. He turned again, aimlessly as it seemed, first one way, then theother, but he was not aimless. Actually his cat prowl was taking him in a circle


Anonymous said...

art graceful oil painting"

Anonymous said...

art graceful oil painting"

Anonymous said...

art graceful oil painting"