Sunday, November 18, 2007

art painting for sale

art painting for sale
acrylic art painting
christian art painting
indian art painting
didn't give any,"said Father.
  "Didn't he think thata bit odd?"
  "I expect he did. On the whole I thought that wasa good way to play it, sir."
  "If the Hoffmans are behind all this, it accountsfor a lot. They're never concerned in anything crookedthemselves – oh no! They don'torganise crime – they finance it though!"
  "Wilhelm deals with the banking side fromSwitzerland. He was behind those foreign currency rackets just after the war – we knew it – but we couldn't prove it. Those two brothers control a great deal of money and they use itfor backing all kinds of enterprises – some legitimate –some not. But they're careful – they know every trick of the trade. Robert'sdiamond broking is straightforward enough – but it make s asuggestive picture – diamonds – bankinginterests, and property – clubs, cultural foundations, officebuildings, restaurants, hotels – all apparently owned bysomebody else."


Anonymous said...

art painting for sale"

Anonymous said...

art painting for sale"

Anonymous said...

art painting for sale"