Sunday, November 11, 2007

art painting gallery

art painting gallery
art deco painting
pop art painting
art painting on canvas Hand over hand, Luke traversed the grating toward the corner of the cave, strugglingto maintain his grip as the audience jeered his efforts. One hand slipped on the oilygrid, and he dangled precariously over the baying mutant. Two jawas ran across the top of the grate. They mashed Luke's fingers withtheir rifle butts; once again, the crowd roared its approval. The Rancor pawed at Luke from below, but the Jedi dangled just out of reach.Suddenly Luke released his hold and dropped directly onto the eye of the howlingmonster; he then tumbled to the floor. The Rancor screamed in pain and stumbled, swatting its own face to knock awaythe agony. It ran in circles a few times, then spotted Luke again and came at him.Luke stooped down to pick up the long bone of an earlier victim. He brandished itbefore him. The gallery above thought this was hilarious and hooted in delight. The monster grabbed Luke and brought him up to its salivating mouth. At thelast moment, though, Luke wedged the bone deep in the Rancor's mouth and jumped


Anonymous said...

art painting gallery"

Anonymous said...

art painting gallery"