Monday, November 12, 2007

art painting reproduction

art painting reproduction
oil painting art work
world art painting
fine art painting for sale
Like a floating ornament, it sparkled for him. A magic globe. Tiny specks oflight raced across its surface, mesmerizing the Dark Lord as if he were a small childentranced by a special toy. It was a transcendant state he was inn, a moment ofheightened perceptions. And then, all at once, in the midst of the stillness of his contemplation, he grewabsolutely motionless: not a breath, not even a heartbeat stirred to mar hisconcentration. He strained his every sense into the ether. What had he felt? Hisspirit tilted its head to listen. Some echo, some vibration apprehended only by him,had passed—no, had not passed. Had swirled the moment and altered the very shapeof things. Things were no longer the same. He walked down the row of controllers until he came to the spot where AdmiralPiett was leaning over the tracking screen of Controller Jhoff. Piett straightened atVader's approach, then bowed stiffly, at the neck.


Anonymous said...

art painting picture"

Anonymous said...

art painting picture"