Monday, November 5, 2007

The British Are Coming

The British Are Coming
Spring Breeze
Sweet Nothings
The Abduction of Psyche
Regaining control of his ship, Luke was joined by another snowspeeder, RogueThree. They swarmed like insects around the relentlessly stomping walkers, as otherspeeders continued to exchange fire with the Imperial assault machines. RogueLeader and Rogue Three flitted alongside the lead walker, then moved away fromeach other, both banking to the right. Luke saw the horizon tilt as he maneuvered his speeder between the walker'sjointed legs and soared out from under the monster machine. Bringing his speederback to horizontal flight, the young commander contacted his companion ship."Rogue Leader to Rogue Three." "Copy, Rogue Leader," acknowledged Wedge, the pilot of Rogue Three. "Wedge," Luke called into his comlink, "split your squad into pairs." Luke'ssnowspeeder then banked and turned, while Wedge's ship moved off in the oppositedirection with another Rebel craft. The walkers, firing all cannons, continued their march across the snow. Insideone of the assault machines two Imperial pilots had spotted the Rebel guns,


Anonymous said...

The British Are Coming"

Anonymous said...

The British Are Coming"

Anonymous said...

"The British Are Coming"

Anonymous said...

"The British Are Coming"