Wednesday, November 14, 2007

The British Are Coming

The British Are Coming
The Broken Pitcher
The Jewel Casket
The Kitchen Maid The two space armadas, like their sea-bound counterparts of another time and galaxy,sat floating, ship to ship, trading broadsides with each other in pointblankconfrontation. Heroic, sometimes suicidal, maneuvers marked the day. A Rebel cruiser, itsback alive with fires and explosions, limped into direct contact with an Imperial StarDestroyer before exploding completely—taking the Star Destroyer with it. Cargoships loaded with charge were set on collision courses with fortress-vessels, theircrews abandoning ships to fates that were uncertain, at best. Lando, Wedge, Blue Leader, and Green Wing went in to take out one of thelarger Destroyers—the Empire's main communications ship. It had already beendisabled by direct cannonade from the Rebel cruiser it had subsequently destroyed;but its damages were reparable—so the Rebels had to strike while it was still lickingits wounds.


Anonymous said...

The British Are Coming"

Anonymous said...

The British Are Coming"