Tuesday, November 20, 2007

The British Are Coming

The British Are Coming
The Broken Pitcher
The Jewel Casket
The Kitchen Maid
After this invocation the rocking and the singing would recommence, and the `Spotted Cow' proceed as before. So matters stood when Tess opened the door, and paused upon the mat within it surveying the scene. ¡¡¡¡The interior, in spite of the melody, struck upon the girl's senses with an unspeakable dreariness. From the holiday gaieties of the field - the white gowns, the nosegays, the willow-wands, the whirling movements on the green, the flash of gentle sentiment towards the stranger - to the yellow melancholy of this one-candled spectacle, what a step! Besides the jar of contrast there came to her a chill self-reproach that she had not returned sooner, to help her mother in these domesticities, instead of indulging herself out-of-doors. There stood her mother amid the group of children, as Tess had left her, hanging over the Monday washing-tub, which had now, as always, lingered on to the end of the week. Out of that tub had come the day before - Tess felt it with a dreadful sting of remorse - the very white frock upon her back which she had so carelessly greened about the skirt on the damping grass - which had been wrung up and ironed by her mother's own hands.


Anonymous said...

The British Are Coming"

Anonymous said...

The British Are Coming"

Anonymous said...

The British Are Coming"

Anonymous said...

"The British Are Coming"