Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Charity painting

Charity painting
Christ In The Storm On The Sea Of Galilee
Dance Me to the End of Love
Evening Mood painting Directly in front of them stood a jagged white row of stalactites and stalagmitescompletely surrounding the cave's entrance. "I see it, Chewie," Han shouted. He pulled hard on the throttle, and theMillennium Falcon surged forward. "Hang on!" "The cave is collapsing," Leia screamed as she saw the entrance ahead growsmaller. "This is no cave." "What?!" Threepio began jabbering in terror. "Oh, my, no! We're doomed. Good-bye,Mistress Leia. Good-bye, Captain." Leia's mouth dropped open as she stared at the rapidly approaching tunnelopening. Han was right; they were not in a cave. As they came nearer the opening, itwas apparent that the white mineral formations were giant teeth. And it was veryapparent that, as they soared out of this giant mouth, those teeth were beginning toclose!


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Anonymous said...

Charity painting"

Anonymous said...

Charity painting"

Anonymous said...

"Charity painting"