Sunday, November 11, 2007

chinese art painting

chinese art painting
art painting for sale
acrylic art painting
christian art painting
to the floor as the beast began to gag. The Rancor bellowed and flailed about,running headlong into a wall. Several rocks were dislodged, starting an avalanchethat nearly buried Luke, as he crouched deep in a crevice near the floor. The crowdclapped in unison. Luke tried to clear his mind. Fear is a great cloud, Ben used to tell him. Itmakes the cold colder and the dark darker; but let it rise and it will dissolve. SoLuke let it rise past the clamor of the beast above him, and examined ways he mightturn the sad creature's rantings on itself. It was not an evil beast, that much was clear. Had it been purely malicious, itswickedness could easily have been turned on itself—for pure evil, Ben had said, wasalways self-destructive in the end. But this monster wasn't bad—merely dumb andmistreated. Hungry and in pain, it lashed out at whatever came near. For Luke tohave looked on that as evil would only have been a projection of Luke's own darkeraspects—it would have been false, and it certainly wouldn't have helped him out ofthis situation.


Anonymous said...

chinese art painting"

Anonymous said...

chinese art painting"