Wednesday, November 28, 2007

famous frida kahlo painting

famous frida kahlo painting
famous diego rivera painting
famous michelangelo painting
famous salvador dali painting
with the outlook, and I am given to understand that Wolf Larsen bears a very unsavory reputation among the sealing-captains. It was the Ghost herself that lured Johnson into signing for the voyage, but he is already beginning to repent. ¡¡¡¡As he told me, the Ghost is an eighty-ton schooner of a remarkably fine model. Her beam, or width, is twenty-three feet, and her length a little over ninety feet. A lead keel of fabulous but unknown weight makes her very stable, while she carries an immense spread of canvas. From the deck to the truck of the maintopmast is something over a hundred feet, while the foremast with its topmast is eight or ten feet shorter. I am giving these details so that the size of this little floating world which holds twenty-two men may be appreciated. It is a very little world, a mote, a speck, and I marvel that men should dare to venture the sea on a contrivance so small and fragile.


Anonymous said...

famous frida kahlo painting"

Anonymous said...

famous frida kahlo painting"

Anonymous said...

"famous frida kahlo painting"

Anonymous said...

"famous frida kahlo painting"

Anonymous said...

"famous frida kahlo painting"