Wednesday, November 28, 2007

famous monet painting

famous monet painting
famous nude painting
famous painting portrait
famous jesus painting
'And what you have won is mine, sir,' I said boldly. ¡¡¡¡He favored me with a quizzical smile. 'Hump, I have studied some grammar in my time, and I think your tenses are tangled. "Was mine," you should have said, not "is mine."' ¡¡¡¡'It is a question, not of grammar, but of ethics,' I answered. ¡¡¡¡It was possibly a minute before he spoke. ¡¡¡¡'D' ye know, Hump,' he said, with a slow seriousness which had in it an indefinable strain of sadness, 'that this is the first time I have heard the word "ethics" in the mouth of a man. You and I are the only men on this ship who know its meaning.' ¡¡¡¡'At one time in my life,' he continued, after another pause, 'I dreamed that I might some day talk with men who used such language, that I might lift myself out of the place in life in which I had been born, and hold conversations and mingle with men who talked about just such things as ethics. And this is the first time I have ever heard the word pronounced. Which is all by the way, for you are wrong. It is a question neither of grammar nor ethics, but of fact.'


Anonymous said...

famous monet painting"

Anonymous said...

famous monet painting"

Anonymous said...

"famous monet painting"

Anonymous said...

"famous monet painting"