Friday, November 16, 2007

famous oil painting

famous oil painting
famous angel painting
famous van gogh painting
famous horse painting
"There's no reason tobelieve so, so far," said Father. "Butyou know how it is. One gets – I don't know what to call them – whims, do you think?Bertram's Hotel, somehow, sounds almost too good to be true."
  He resumed his impersonation of a bumble bee with arendering of "Let's All Go Downthe Strand."
  The two detective officers went off together,Campbell looking smart in a lounge suit, (he had an excellent figure), and Chief-InspectorDavy carrying with him a tweedy air of being up from the country. They fitted in quitewell. Only the astute eye of Miss Gorringe, as she raised it from her ledgers, singledthem out and appreciated them for what they were. Since she had reported the disappearanceof Canon Pennyfather herself and had already had a word with a lesser personage in thepolice force, she had been expecting something of this kind.


Anonymous said...

famous oil painting"

Anonymous said...

famous oil painting"

Anonymous said...

famous oil painting"