Thursday, November 15, 2007

female nude reclining

female nude reclining
flaming june painting
Gather ye rosebuds while ye may
girl with a pearl earring vermeer
I'm sorry," said Sir Ronald, "I don't quite see –”
  "No," saidChief-Inspector Davy, "there'snothing to see really, is there? Only – it was very like theactual car number, wasn't it? 265 – 256 CMG. Really rather a coincidence that there should be a Morris Oxford carof the right colour with the number just one digit wrong, and with a man in it closelyresembling the owner of the car."
  "Do you mean –?"
  "Just one little digit difference. Today's 'deliberate mistake.' It almost seems like that."
  "Sorry, Davy. I still don't get it."
  "Oh. I don't supposethere's anything to get. There's aMorris Oxford car, CMG 265, proceeding along the street two and a half minutes after thebank snatch. In it, the probation officer recognises Mr. Justice Ludgrove."
  "Are you suggesting it really was Mr. JusticeLudgrove? Come now, Davy."
  "No, I'm notsuggesting that it was Mr. Justice Ludgrove and that he was mixed up in a bank robbery. Hewas staying at Bertram's Hotel in Pond Street, and he was at the Law Courts at the exacttime. All proved up to the hilt. I'm saying the car number andmake and the identification by a probation officer who knows old Ludgrove quite well bysight is the kind of coincidence that ought to mean something. Apparently it doesn't. Too bad."
  Comstock stirred uneasily.
  "There was another case a bit like that inconnection with the Jewellery business at Brighton. Some old Admiral or other. I've forgotten his name now. Some woman identified him most positively ashaving been on the scene."
  "And he wasn't?"
  "No, he was staying at a hotel – I believe it was that one you mentioned just now, Father, Bertram's, isn't it? Quiet place. A lot of old servicegeezers go there, I believe."
  "Bertram's Hotel," saidChief-Inspector Davy, thoughtfully.