Sunday, November 11, 2007

fine art painting gallery

fine art painting gallery
art painting reproduction
oil painting art work
world art painting He reached the doorway and ran in. Before him, a heavy barred gate blockedthe way. Beyond this gate the Rancor's two keepers sat eating dinner. They lookedup as Luke entered, then stood and walked toward the gate. Luke turned around to see the monster coming angrily after him. He turnedback to the gate and tried to open it. The keepers poked at him with theirtwo-pronged spears, jabbed at him through the bars, laughing and chewing their food,as the Rancor drew closer to the young Jedi. Luke backed against the side wall, as the Rancor reached in the room for him.Suddenly he saw the restraining-door control panel halfway up the opposite wall.The Rancor began to enter the holding room, closing for the kill, when all at onceLuke picked up a skull off the floor and hurled it at the panel. The panel exploded in a shower of sparks, and the giant iron overhead restrainingdoor came crashing down on the Rancor's head, crushing it like an axe smashingthrough a ripe watermelon.


Anonymous said...

fine art painting gallery"

Anonymous said...

fine art painting gallery"

Anonymous said...

fine art painting gallery"