Sunday, November 4, 2007

The Lady of Shalott

The Lady of Shalott
The Broken Pitcher
The Jewel Casket
The Kitchen Maid
The shorter of the two droids was beeping and whistling excitedly. "It's not my fault, you malfunctioning tin can," the tall, anthropomorphic droidstated, gesturing with a metallic hand. "I did not ask you to turn on the thermalheater. I merely commented that it was freezing in her chamber. But it's supposedto be freezing. How are we going to get all her things dried out? …Ah! Here weare." See-Threepio, the golden droid in human shape, paused to focus his opticalsensors on the docked Millennium Falcon. The other robot, Artoo-Detoo, retracted his wheels and frontal leg, and rested hisstout metal body on the ground. The smaller droid's sensors were reading thefamiliar figures of Han Solo and his Wookiee companion as those two continued thework of replacing the freighter's central lifters. "Master Solo, sir," Threepio called, the only one of the robotic twosomeequipped with an imitation human voice. "Might I have a word with you?"


Anonymous said...

The Lady of Shalott"

Anonymous said...

The Lady of Shalott"

Anonymous said...

"The Lady of Shalott"

Anonymous said...

"The Lady of Shalott"