Monday, November 12, 2007

Madonna Litta

Madonna Litta
madonna with the yarnwinder painting
Mother and Child
My Sweet Rose painting
standing over her, his weapon leveled at her head. He reached out his hand for thepistol she held. "I'll take that," he ordered. Without warning, a furry hand came out from under the log and jabbed the scoutin the leg with a knife. The man howled in pain, began jumping about on one foot. Leia dove for his fallen laser pistol. She rolled, fired and hit the scout squarelyin the chest, flash-burning his heart. Quickly the forest was quiet once more, the noise and light swallowed up as ifthey had never been. Leia lay still where she was, panting softly, waiting for anotherattack. None came. Wicket poked his fuzzy head up from under the log, and looked around. "Eeeprrp scrp ooooh," he mumbled in a tone of awe. Leia hopped up, ran all about the area, crouched, turned her head from side toside. It seemed safe for the time being. She motioned to her chubby new friend."Come on, we'd better get out of here."


Anonymous said...

Madonna Litta"

Anonymous said...

Madonna Litta"