Sunday, November 4, 2007

seated nude

seated nude
Rembrandt The Jewish Bride
Return of the Prodigal Son
Samson And Delilah
In a flash he jumped off the Falcon's lift, not even looking back toward theWookiee. "Bolt it down, Chewie. Officer of the Deck!" Han yelled, then broughthis comlink to his mouth and asked, "Security Control, has Commander Skywalkerreported in yet?" A negative reply brought a scowl to Han's face. The deck sergeant and his aide hurried up to Solo in response to his summons. "Is Commander Skywalker back yet?" Han asked, tension in his voice. "I haven't seen him," the deck sergeant replied. "It's possible he came inthrough the south entrance." "Check on it!" Solo snapped, though he was not in an official position to givecommands. "It's urgent." As the deck sergeant and his aide turned and rushed down the corridor, Artooemitted a concerned whistle that rose inquiringly in pitch. "I don't know, Artoo," Threepio answered, stiffly turning his upper torso andhead in Han's direction. "Sir, might I inquire what's going on?" Anger welled up inside Han as he grunted back at the robot, "Go tell yourprecious princess that Luke is dead unless he shows up soon."


Anonymous said...

seated nude"

Anonymous said...

seated nude"

Anonymous said...

"seated nude"

Anonymous said...

"seated nude"