Thursday, November 8, 2007

seated nude

seated nude
Rembrandt The Jewish Bride
Return of the Prodigal Son
Samson And Delilah Chewbacca thought he was going mad! The prison cell was flooded with hot, blinding light that seared his sensitiveWookiee eyes. Not even his huge hands and hairy arms, thrust up over his face,could entirely protect him from the glare. And to add to his misery, a high-pitchedwhistle blared into the cubicle, tormenting his keen sense of hearing. He roared inagony, but his guttural roars were drowned out by the piercing, screeching noise. The Wookiee paced back and forth within the confines of the cell. Moaningpitifully, he pounded at the thick walls in desperation, wanting someone, anyone, tocome and free him. While he pounded, the whistle that had nearly exploded hiseardrums suddenly stopped and the deluge of light flickered and went out. Chewbacca staggered back a step with the sudden absence of torture, and thenmoved to one of the cell walls to try to detect whether anyone was approaching torelease him. But the thick walls revealed nothing and, maddened to a fury,


Anonymous said...

seated nude"

Anonymous said...

seated nude"