Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Spring Breeze

Spring Breeze
Return of the Prodigal Son
Samson And Delilah
seated nude
Artoo-Detoo, riding in the back of Luke's X-wing, scanned the passing stars,then addressed his remarks to Luke via the computer scope. Luke read the viewscreen interpreter. "Yes, that's Dagobah, Artoo," heanswered the little robot, then glanced out the cockpit window as the fighter shipbegan to descend toward the planet's surface. "Looks a little grim, doesn't it?" Artoo beeped, attempting for one last time to get his master back on a moresensible course. "No," Luke replied, "I don't want to change my mind about this." He checkedthe ship's monitors and began to feel a bit nervous. "I'm not picking up any cities ortechnology. Massive life-form readings, though. There's something alive downthere." Artoo was worried, too, and that was translated as an apprehensive inquiry. "Yes, I'm sure it's perfectly safe for droids. Will you take it easy?" Luke wasbeginning to get annoyed. "We'll just have to see what happens." He heard a pathetic electronic whimper from the rear of the cockpit.


Anonymous said...

Spring Breeze"

Anonymous said...

Spring Breeze"

Anonymous said...

"Spring Breeze"

Anonymous said...

"Spring Breeze"