Monday, November 5, 2007

The Virgin and Child with St Anne

The Virgin and Child with St Anne
the polish rider
The Sacrifice of Abraham painting
The Three Ages of Woman
No one on Hoth heard the sound. At first, it was simply too distant to carry abovethe whining winds. Besides, the Rebel troopers, fighting the cold as they preparedfor battle, were too busy to really listen. In the snow trenches, Rebel officers screamed out their orders to makethemselves heard above the gale-force winds. Troopers hurried to carry out theircommands, running through the snow with heavy bazookalike weapons on theirshoulders, and lodging those death rays along the icy rims of the trenches. The Rebel power generators near the gun towers began popping, buzzing, andcrackling with deafening bursts of electrical power—enough to supply the vastunderground complex. But above all this activity and noise a strange sound could beheard, an ominous thumping that was coming nearer and was beginning to shake thefrozen ground. When it was close enough to attract the attention of an officer, hestrained to see through the storm, looking for the source of the heavy, rhythmicpounding. Other men looked up from their work and saw what looked like a number


Anonymous said...

The Virgin and Child with St Anne"

Anonymous said...

The Virgin and Child with St Anne"

Anonymous said...

The Virgin and Child with St Anne"

Anonymous said...

"The Virgin and Child with St Anne"