Friday, November 9, 2007

virgin of the rocks

virgin of the rocks
Woman with a Parasol
A Greek Beauty
A Lily Pond
Luke felt the shaking platform shudder with every blow and parry and thrust oftheir weapons. But he was undaunted, for with every thrust of his sword he drovethe evil Darth Vader back. Vader, using his lightsaber to ward off Luke's aggressive lunges, spoke calmly asthey fought. "The fear does not reach you. You have learned more than Ianticipated." "You'll find I'm full of surprises," the confident youth retorted, threateningVader with yet another thrust. "And I, too," was the calm, portentous reply. With two graceful moves, the Dark Lord hooked Luke's weapon out of his handsand sent it flying away. A slash of Vader's energy blade at Luke's feet made theyouth jump back in an effort to protect himself. But he stumbled backward, andtumbled down the stairs. Sprawled on the platform, Luke gazed up and saw the ominous dark figurelooming above him at the top of the stairs. Then the figure flew right at him, itssable cloak billowing out in the air like the wings of a monstrous bat.


Anonymous said...

virgin of the rocks"

Anonymous said...

virgin of the rocks"