Friday, November 2, 2007

Woman with a Parasol

Woman with a Parasol
A Greek Beauty
A Lily Pond
Absence Makes the Heart Grow Fonder
steadily at him, each successive bolt seeming to pass a little closer to Biggs's hull. "He's on my tight," the voice sounded in Luke's cockpit. "I can't shake him." Twisting, spinning, Biggs looped back toward the battle station, but the pilottrailing him was persistent and showed no sign of relinquishing pursuit. "Hang on, Biggs," Luke called, wrenching his ship around so steeply that thestraining gyros whined. "I'm coming in." So absorbed in his pursuit of Biggs was the Imperial pilot that he didn't see Luke,who rotated his own ship, flipped out of the concealing gray below and dropped inbehind him. Electronic crosshairs lined up according to the computer-readout instructions,and Luke fired repeatedly. There was a small explosion in space—tiny comparedwith the enormous energies being put out by the emplacements on the surface of thebattle station. But the explosion was of particular significance to three people: Luke,Biggs, and, most particularly, to the pilot of the Tie fighter, who was vaporized withhis ship. "Got him!" Luke murmured.


Anonymous said...

Woman with a Parasol"

Anonymous said...

Woman with a Parasol"

Anonymous said...

"Woman with a Parasol"

Anonymous said...

"Woman with a Parasol"