Wednesday, December 19, 2007

mona lisa smile

mona lisa smile
thomas kinkade gallery
thomas kinkade painting
thomas kinkade picture
and peep into the balcony to look for me, and run in again when she saw I was there, while Jip remained behind, to bark injuriously at an immense butcher's dog in the street, who could have taken him like a pill. ¡¡¡¡Dora came to the drawing-room door to meet me; and Jip came scrambling out, tumbling over his own growls, under the impression that I was a Bandit; and we all three went in, as happy and loving as could be. I soon carried desolation into the bosom of our joys - not that I meant to do it, but that I was so full of the subject - by asking Dora, without the smallest preparation, if she could love a beggar?
oil painting¡¡¡¡My pretty, little, startled Dora! Her only association with the word was a yellow face and a nightcap, or a pair of crutches, or a wooden leg, or a dog with a decanter-stand in his mouth, or something of that kind; and she stared at me with the most delightful wonder. ¡¡¡¡'How can you ask me anything so foolish?' pouted Dora. 'Love a beggar!' ¡¡¡¡'Dora, my own dearest!' said I. 'I am a beggar!'

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

mona lisa smile"