Monday, July 21, 2008

Alphonse Maria Mucha paintings

Alphonse Maria Mucha paintings
Benjamin Williams Leader paintings
But before the speech, a chosen few paid nearly ten times that sum to sit at one of three tables for lunch with the ex-leader of the free world. "He was very relaxed. It was like talking to your neighbour about the fence, " said Harry Mens, a Dutch businessman. "It was worth the money." Mr Clinton’s speech addressed the lofty topic of the potential role of business in contributing towards the development of emerging economies. Far more interesting to the diners, perhaps, was the minor revelation that his allergies have been acting up. He spoke about the US economy, denounced President George Bush’s tax plan as "a short term solution" and revealed that he was sleeping more now that he’s out of office, Mr Mens said. True to the time-stretching schedule of his days in office, Mr Clinton arrived 30 minutes late at the hotel in The Hague. He strode past a battery of journalists with little more than a wave.

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