Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Gockel Downtown VIII

Gockel Downtown VIIIGockel Downtown VIIGockel Dity Dynamics VGockel Deep Blue Dazzler
house-perimeter alarm could be armed or disarmed simply by selecting from a YES-NO option. Currently the YES was lit on the screen. Corky used the mouse to click the NO.Now, with a door key, he could enter Palazzo Rospo as though it were his own sweet. Keys dangled from the belt of each sleeping guard. He unclipped one set, jingled them, and smiled.When he picked up a phone, he heard no dial tone. He tried one of the guard’s s. It didn’t function. Reliable Mick.Leaving the guards to their dreams, Corky descended the stairs and returned to the loggia under the trellis and the trumpet vine. He stripped off the gas mask and threw it away.Through a screen of trees and darkling rain, the great house could be seen perhaps two hundred yards to the north. With only Ethan [544] Truman and the boy in residence, not many windows were lighted, yet the mansion nonetheless reminded Corky of an enormous luxury liner making way on a night sea. And he was the iceberg.He unzipped the deepest pocket on his storm suit and withdrew the Glock that previously he had fitted with a sound suppressor.

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