Wednesday, November 14, 2007

abstract nude painting

abstract horse painting
famous picasso pablo painting
famous frida kahlo painting
abstract nude painting
The next phase of the assault began. Ewoks in kite-like animal-skinhang-gliders started dropping rocks on the stormtroopers, or dive-bombing withspears. Teebo, who led the attack, was hit in the wing with laser fire during the firstvolley and crashed into a gnarled root. A charging walker clumped forward to crushhim, but Wicket swooped down just in time, yanking Teebo to safety. In swervingout of the walker's way, though, Wicket smashed into a racing speeder bike—they allwent tumbling into the dense foliage. And so it went. The casualties mounted. High above, it was no different. A thousand deadly dogfights and cannonbombardments were erupting all over the skies, while the Death Star laser beammethodically disintegrated the Rebel ships.


Anonymous said...

abstract nude painting"

Anonymous said...

abstract nude painting"