Wednesday, November 14, 2007

figurative abstract painting

figurative abstract painting
abstract painting picture
nature abstract painting
decorative abstract art painting
computed the weather codes, though, a laser bolt explosion ripped the entranceway,disengaging Artoo's cable arm, spilling him to the dirt. His head began to smolder, his fittings to leak. All of a sudden everycompartment sprang open, every nozzle gushed or smoked, every wheel spun—andthen stopped. Threepio rushed to his wounded companion, as Han examined thebunker terminal. "Maybe I can hotwire this thing," Solo mumbled. Meanwhile the Ewoks had erected a primitive catapult at the other side of thefield. They fired a large boulder at one of the walkers—the machine vibratedseriously, but did not topple. It turned, and headed for the catapult, laser cannonfiring. The Ewoks scattered. When the walker was ten feet away, the Ewokschopped a mass of restraining vines, and two huge, balanced trunks crashed down ontop of the Imperial war wagon, halting it for good.


Anonymous said...

figurative abstract painting"

Anonymous said...

figurative abstract painting"