Wednesday, November 14, 2007

abstract acrylic painting

abstract acrylic painting
abstract seascape painting
abstract woman painting
african abstract painting
Scores of them rallied behind Chewbacca, who had grown rather fond of themduring the course of the previous night. He'd become their mascot; and they, hislittle country cousins. So it was with a special ferocity, now, that they came to eachother's aid. Chewie was flinging stormtroopers left and right, in a selfless Wookieefrenzy, any time he saw them physically formed equally self-sacrificing cadres to donothing but follow Chewbacca and throw themselves upon any soldiers who startedgetting the upper hand with him. It was a wild, strange battle. Artoo and Threepio finally made it to the bunker door. Han and Leia providedcover fire with guns they'd finally managed to scrounge. Artoo moved quickly tothe terminal, plugged in his computer arm, began scanning. Before he'd even


Anonymous said...

abstract acrylic painting"

Anonymous said...

abstract acrylic painting"