Wednesday, November 14, 2007

wall art painting

fantasy art painting
western art painting
realism art painting
wall art painting
Artoo and Threepio were huddled behind a log when Artoo got the message.He suddenly blurted out an excited whistle and shot off toward the battlefield. "Artoo!" Threepio shouted. "Where are you going? Wait for me!" Nearlybeside himself, the golden droid tore off after his best friend. Biker scouts raced over and around the scurrying droids, blasting away at theEwoks who grew fiercer every time their fur was scorched. The little bears werehanging on the legs of the Imperial walkers, hobbling the appendages with lengths ofvine, or injuring the joint mechanisms by forcing pebbles and twigs into the hinges.They were knocking scouts off their bikes, by stringing vine between trees at throatlevel. They were throwing rocks, jumping out of trees, impaling with spears,entangling with nets. They were everywhere.


Anonymous said...

wall art painting"

Anonymous said...

wall art painting"