Tuesday, November 6, 2007

The Broken Pitcher

The Broken Pitcher
Sweet Nothings
The Abduction of Psyche
The British Are Coming
Han reduced his speed. He still wasn't safe from the Imperial hunters.Searching about the canyon, he spotted something dark, a gaping cave mouth at thevery bottom of the crater, large enough to hold the Millennium Falcon—perhaps. Ifnot, he and his crew would know soon enough. Slowing his hip, Han coursed into the cave entrance and through a large tunnel,which he hoped would make the ideal hiding place. He took a deep breath as hisship was promptly devoured by the cave's shadows. A tiny X-wing was approaching the atmosphere of the Dagobah planet. As he neared the planet, Luke Skywalker was able to glimpse a portion of itscurved surface through a heavy cover of thick clouds. The planet was uncharted andvirtually unknown. Somehow Luke had made his way there, though he wasn'tcertain whether it was his hand along that had guided his ship into this unexploredsector of space.


Anonymous said...

The Broken Pitcher"

Anonymous said...

The Broken Pitcher"

Anonymous said...

The Broken Pitcher"