Sunday, November 25, 2007

The Lady of Shalott

The Lady of Shalott
the night watch by rembrandt
the Night Watch
The Nut Gatherers
¡¡¡¡Of the five-and-twenty pounds which had remained to her of Clare's allowance, after deducting the other half of the fifty as a contribution to her parents for the trouble and expense to which she had put them, she had as vet spent but little. But there now followed an unfortunate interval of wet weather, during which she was obliged to fall back upon her sovereigns. ¡¡¡¡She could not bear to let them go. Angel had put them into her hand, had obtained them bright and new from his bank for her; his touch had consecrated them to souvenirs of himself - they appeared to have had as yet no other history than such as was created by his and her own experiences - and to disperse them was like giving away relics. But she had to do it, and one by one they left her


Anonymous said...

The Lady of Shalott"

Anonymous said...

The Lady of Shalott"

Anonymous said...

"The Lady of Shalott"

Anonymous said...

"The Lady of Shalott"

Anonymous said...

"The Lady of Shalott"