Monday, November 12, 2007

realism art painting

realism art painting
abstract acrylic painting
abstract seascape painting
abstract woman painting
"As you wish, my Lord." Piett bowed, partly to hide his surprise. He nodded atController Jhoff, who spoke into the comlink, to Shuttle Tydirium. In the Shuttle Tydirium, the group waited tensely. The more questions theywere asked about things like cargo and destination, the more likely it seemed theywere going to blow their cover. Han looked fondly at his old Wookiee partner. "Chewie, if they don't go forthis, we're gonna have to beat it quick." It was a good-bye speech, really; they allknew this pokey shuttle wasn't about to outrun anything in the neighborhood. The static voice of the controller broke up, and then came in clearly over thecomlink. "Shuttle Tydirium, deactivation of the shield will commence immediately.Follow your present course." Everyone but Luke exhaled in simultaneous relief; as if the trouble were all overnow, instead of just beginning. Luke continued to stare at the command ship, as ifengaged in some silent, complex dialogue.


Anonymous said...

realism art painting"

Anonymous said...

realism art painting"