Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Rembrandt The Jewish Bride

Rembrandt The Jewish Bride
Red Nude painting
Regatta At Argenteuil
Rembrandt Biblical Scene
"Don't worry!" the X-wing sailed through the twilight halo separating pitch black space from theplanet's surface. Luke took a deep breath, then plunged his craft into the whiteblanket of mists. He couldn't see a thing. His vision was entirely obstructed by the densewhiteness pressing against the canopy windows of his ship. His only choice was tocontrol his X-wing solely by instruments. But the scopes weren't registeringanything, even as Luke flew ever nearer to the planet. Desperately, he worked hiscontrols, no longer able to discern even so much as his altitude. When an alarm began to buzz, Artoo joined its clarion call with his own franticseries of whistles and beeps. "I know, I know!" Luke shouted, still fighting the controls of his ship. "All thescopes are dead! I can't see a thing. Hang on, I'm going to start the landing cycle.Let's just hope there's something underneath us."


Anonymous said...

Rembrandt The Jewish Bride"

Anonymous said...

Rembrandt The Jewish Bride"

Anonymous said...

"Rembrandt The Jewish Bride"

Anonymous said...

"Rembrandt The Jewish Bride"