Wednesday, November 14, 2007

The Virgin and Child with St Anne

The Virgin and Child with St Anne
The Water lily Pond
Venus and Cupid
Vermeer girl with the pearl earring
There she goes!" "Pull up, pull up!" They pulled up hard and fast, as the Destroyer was enveloped in a series ofever-increasing explosions, until it looked finally just like one more small star. BlueLeader was caught by the shock wave, and thrown horribly against the side of asmaller Imperial ship, which also exploded. Lando and Wedge escaped. On the Rebel command ship bridge, smoke and shouts filled the air. Ackbar reached Calrissian on the comlink. "The jamming has stopped. Wehave a reading on the shield." "Is it still up?" Lando responded with desperate anticipation in his voice. "I'm afraid so. It looks like General Solo's unit didn't make it." "Until they've destroyed our last ship, there's still hope," replied Lando. Hanwouldn't fail. He couldn't—they still had to pick off that annoying Death Star.


Anonymous said...

The Virgin and Child with St Anne"

Anonymous said...

The Virgin and Child with St Anne"