Wednesday, November 14, 2007

virgin of the rocks

virgin of the rocks
Woman with a Parasol
A Greek Beauty
A Lily Pond
On the Death Star, Luke was nearly unconscious beneath the continuing assaultof the Emperor's lightning. Tormented beyond reason, betaken of a weakness thatdrained his very essence, he hoped for nothing more than to submit to the nothingnesstoward which he was drifting. The Emperor smiled down at the enfeebled young Jedi, as Vader struggled to hisfeet beside his master. "Young fool!" Palpatine rasped at Luke. "Only now at the end, do youunderstand. Your puerile skills are no match for the power of the dark side. Youhave paid a price for your lack of vision. Now, young Skywalker, you will pay theprice in full. You will die!" He laughed maniacally; and although it would not have seemed possible to Luke,the outpouring of bolts from the Emperor's fingers actually increased in intensity.The sound screamed through the room, the murderous brightness of the flashes wasoverwhelming.


Anonymous said...

virgin of the rocks"

Anonymous said...

virgin of the rocks"